السلام عليكم الإعدادات في لوحة التحكم لعرض المحفل المناسب، ولكن أنا لم تفعل فضلا عن التغيرات في النمط الأصلي هو مبين من اليسار إلى اليمين (وليس في أساليب أخرى)
أنا ممتن لحل هذه المشكلة الرجاء المساعدة
تم تحرير الموضوع بواسطة :Mr King
بتاريخ:16-05-2015 10:02 مساءً
سبب التعديل : تعديل عنوان الموضوع ليتوافق مع المحتوى
how to change direction of Default style from LTR to RTL
Hello Sir
According to the settings in the control panel from right to left to show the forum put it in the original style of the show is from left to right
Of course, this problem only in the most original style
And other styles are not the problem
I say thanks for help
how to change direction of Default style from LTR to RTL
If you mean Default LTR Style and mobile LTR Style
It has been designed for browsing only direction LTR
For the import of Default Style allocated to browse RTL
will find it In a folder setup The name PBBoard-Style.xml
will find it In a folder cache The name original_ar_default_templates.xml
mobile style you find it In a folder cache The name original_ltr_mobile-style.xml
تم تحرير المشاركة بواسطة :Soliman
بتاريخ:14-05-2015 11:26 صباحاً
how to change direction of Default style from LTR to RTL
Thanks to Mr. Soliman
Import files with the style of Directory setup
The problem was resolved
Please help to shift the editor
To the editor of your community forum as I moved to the right,
As shown below
Thanks for your help
how to change direction of Default style from LTR to RTL
Thanks for your help
So far, all problems had been solved
One other problem is that now I
In the form of multi-mines were empty in the menu instead of a single word (see picture attached)
I thank you for your help
how to change direction of Default style from LTR to RTL